About Us
Who hasn’t come across these tempting snacks at a kiosk or at a friend’s place? The old fashioned nuts and seeds have been joined by a new generation of snacks whose amazing flavors – spicy, piquant, oriental, savory, and sweet – are an addictive treat that you won’t want to stop eating!
Munchies Ltd. started this revolution. The company was started by two friends, Avi and Amir, who were trying to make their way when they completed their army service.
It all started completely by chance, when Avi and Amir opened a small vending machine business in South Tel Aviv. They put together special blends of Dutch peanuts coated with a mix of seasoned Japanese rice cracker and sold it in their vending machines under the name Munchies. People reacted really positively to Munchies but the machines malfunctioned often. Avi and Amir decided to try and market their Munchies at a kiosk that a friend of Avi’s opened – the first kiosk on King George Street in Tel Aviv. On Wednesday they delivered a 5 kg box to the kiosk and on Friday morning they got an urgent call: “You won’t believe what’s going on here! It’s all gone. Bring 2 more boxes immediately”. The demand was incredible. Israelis fell in love with Munchies.
The two friends traveled to the Netherlands, to the factory that specialized in manufacturing coated peanuts, and requested that the factory make them a unique blend that suited the Israeli palate. They combined 3 types of seasoned peanuts (chili, barbecue, and salted) together with 3 types of arare Tokyo rice cracker (premium quality Japanese rice) and called the blend Munchies Regency Mix. They requested and received from the factory exclusivity for this recipe and send a substantial amount of Munchies Regency Mix to be distributed to kiosks around Israel. They were a huge success.
The nut and snack market in Israel opened up to surprising flavors and the enamored fans wanted more new flavors. In order to address the increasing demand and adjust the products to the Israeli palate, Munchies developed and expanded the variety of its products and it currently imports and markets dozens of exotic snacks from all over the world – ones based on peanuts, rice, peas, soy, fava beans, and more, some of which are manufactured exclusively for the Israeli market.
With time and success, a lot of imitations have cropped up but the high quality of the original Munchies, the uncompromising devotion to the flavor combinations, the quality of the raw ingredients, the production processes, the packaging and the delivery have left Munchies in the lead.
The company’s diverse range of products is available at kiosks, mini markets, and select supermarkets throughout Israel.